Gabby does not consider the greater consequences of her meow.

September fifteenth:
I have very little confidence in George Clooney’s watch. He is maybe frustrated that the fact that puff pieces get written about his watch. He has to make himself okay with that. He does pay an agent. Being written about does not insinuate intention. Does he collect all the puff pieces? A magic box filled with folders tucked under his bed. It would be a classic Home Depot box. No. Look at his watch. He has a high class A+ storage system. Yes, he gets paid Scrooge McDuck safe under his bed money. Clooney money.
Well, Ron DeSantis voted against federal money to recover from that terrible hurricane they are dealing with. That is so silly. Did he learn nothing from Katrina? I think rebuilding after that is why we have a government. I guess his goal is to make it like the government does nothing for you. I wonder when everyone will see him for what he is doing.
“Rhode Island Red Chicken Lifespan: How Long Do Rhode Island Red Chickens Live?” The answer was only like two paragraphs deep. Ten years at best, but five sounds more right. Red is a primary color. This is from Google: “Three Primary Colors (Ps): Red, Yellow, Blue. Three Secondary Colors (S’): Orange, Green, Violet.” You can also make all those secondary colors by yourself. Take two of those colors and combine them.
Gabby is gabby. She wants to be pregnant, and she will not shut up about it. She also has claimed the back of my chair as her own. She is almost always there. I guess it is just fine.
They should fine you if you do not vote. It is our system, and participation should be required. Not a big fine. Mortgages should not be involved. No carrot. We have tried asking you, but we could stick it. You can be a conscientious objector. It should be like that. Make people who do not want to vote DMV that. You should be able to get out of it. This is America after all.
Conan sounds like a grandpa when he pitches sports gambling. He is going to take you on his boat, and have your team picks on ready. Yeah, grandpa. I also got the Bob Newhart book on Audible. Also: Questlove is awesome. I have to finish the one featuring the awesome one with Questlove before I get back to Bob Newhart‘s book. A little how to do standup comedy guide. It is also about Chicago. Heavy on the location. He is ninety three years of age. Gods do not die. I guess that is just the image that stays, but he is not dead yet. I think he is going to make it to one hundred, but I am not willing to bet on it. He would probably not be all that cool with it, but let us all get fatalistic.
Well… tomorrow night is the night before Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis comes out. I think it’s going to show up at midnight on Thursday. Which is my Wednesday. This all takes me back to the bunk bed at my dad’s apartment. Also the basement. Also: the mirrored closet space. I would not sleep on the top bunk. It was too tall for me. I did not want to die. Just settle down and give the death spot to any friend that comes by. Sounds like I am okay with my friends dying, but I am not. I think it was just a better them than me thing. Waiting is miserable. I guess it is nothing. A whole lot of time pregnant with sticky anticipation. Apparently it is going to come out in chapters. One a month, ten episodes in all.
“Sad! Donald Trump’s Coconspirators Have Started Throwing Him Under the Bus.” Do not do that. I do not think headlines should be sarcastic. It was not as good as I wanted it to be. Combative, but it did not spark me. Give me a topic sentence. You know, a place to build your camp.
“Webb Telescope looks at star explosion in deep space that was first seen in 1987.” Me. That was me, but, in other more important news: I bought my cat a toy bird. It cheeps and gets down to all that bird business. Tomorrow we are going to get a bird. Well, whatever, it is going to show up by ten. So it is never going to come. It is coming before Friday. Which does not mean much. I guess we are going to get our cute bird before ten or so. Now it is coming betwixt two thirty and five thirty. I think it is coming like four or so.
UTC is five hours ahead of my central standard time. The UTC is always Greenwich England. The British empire was that. Look at what the British empire did. The king gets to feel responsible for setting time for the world, but, still, look at what they did to Africa. However I read somewhere that the worst time is involved. Pacific time. What about New York? It was were the declaration independence happened. It always feels like the sort of thing that could have happened. You know, you are going to be a star in New York. New York.
My keyboard died. The on screen keyboard is pretty good. Not as good as an actual keyboard, but serviceable. I replaced the keyboard. Or really, dad got a new one. Thanks. Two and one compound sentences. They were B+ at best. You in most cases not enough to ride on the desperation I kinda remember experiencing. Like a second rate emo song. I feel that it is unfair to say I lost my ability to speak. You can always do the default on screen work. It is not a Cure B side. Not even some God awful third rate local band. The openers for the band you want to see. Not even that.