Dress for winter like a velociraptor. Feathers.

June twenty first:
I bought some stuff that you paint on the bottom of socks for traction. I bought it to give my giraffe slippers traction. They work. I did not expect that, but they are designed to make socks shoes. They work better than expected. All of a sudden my feet are warm. And they eat bananas. According to Google they can eat like sixty something pounds of bananas a day, but they are natural bananas. Which does mean they suck.
It also means that it has big hard seeds. Selective breeding. I think bananas still have seeds, but they were chosen for edibility. We did that. Bananas for you and me and everyone.
Smoky Bear turned eighty. So says a podcast ad. Also Trump was found guilty of paying off that pornstar to keep silent about the so-so affair he and her had so he could win the election. He is now a criminal. Which does mean fun podcasts are coming down the pike. I want everyone to stop saying it was historical. Don’t give him that. It was normal. He blames it on Brandon, but was it not a state case? The federal government has nothing to with it. He also said he is fighting for the constitution, but it is clear about federalism I think. It was maybe an Alvin Bragg thing. Who is a Democrat, but he is still just a district attorney. Which happens to be an elected position.
I guess Sugar is what happens if an alien models himself on film noir to fit in. I guess what if found something you wanted to be, and it turned out to be a little Humphrey Bogart? I think it is best thought of as “what do you want to be when you grow up?” A detective.
“Trump suggests there could be a ‘breaking point’ for the public if he is imprisoned after hush money conviction.” I see that. He has a bunch of other things he has been indicted for. I hear jail singing on that election interference bit. The 2020 riot business screams jail time. Does it not? It was not him, but the whole business was just in his name. You know, like the Manson family. That was a conspiracy. Trump is the Manson of my birthday. Sounds title worthy, but I am not that all that committed to the concept.
Today is Ashley’s birthday. She is also going to take Thursday off. Because it’s the only day they force her to go to work. You know, as a way to prove that you still have to work for the government. I would take that day off too. Because screw the government. I understand that really does not track for her. I think she loves the government.
“MISSOURI-BASED TRUMP LAWYER SAYS GUILTY VERDICT COULD TRIGGER POLITICAL WARFARE ACROSS THE COUNTRY.” That assumes that people are paying attention. How many people watched The Apprentice? A bunch yes, but it does not have much staying power. Democrats have very little to do with that. The legal system works with twelve randos. I don’t think I’m eligible for jury service. I am disabled and what not. I don’t think I can get a passport without supervision. Brain injury, don’t forget the advantages.
Eighty years since D-Day. We are close to having no more. We still got a couple of hanger ons. Nursing home party. I will probably never sign up for the military. I’m in a wheelchair so I am probably not eligible.
We should not have prisons. Ankle monitors. Make that criminal live in the apartment that drove him to rob. I don’t think robbing even works kind of like that. It is an action. I don’t think the greater circumstances really have an overall reason. It is like sex. Every once in a while Walmart has a bowling ball that speaks to your soul. I guess homicide is a different thing. Still. We do have graduations in punishment. Murder is still murder, and should be treated as such. Petty theft should not result in prison. We have things like ankle monitors for stuff like that.
Phil McGraw. To be fair dr. McGraw sounds like witness protection run amok. I understand and empathize with dr. Phil. Ole McGraw. Fancy and old time. Straight from the Leave It To beaver genera. I should buzz after that, but low key excitement. I deserve that! He never lets little Greg jump on the trampoline. It is dr. Phil’s and the great great great mr. McGraw alone.
“New York passes legislation to ban ‘addictive’ social media algorithms for kids.” I think that is stupid. Yes, bar the future from our kids. Meanwhile while they are blind for safety they don’t get to participate in the future everyone is building for them. It should be a surprise. They have to deal with it eventually. And it is very much the underlying theme of the future. Did you not hear, the future is Facebook? Facebook knows when I poop. To be fair I signed a contract giving them right to that. In lawyer talk: I did that to myself.
Did dinosaurs have feathers? They were birds. In fact: “Yes, dinosaurs had feathers, and the discovery of feathered dinosaurs in the 1990s has confirmed that they are the ancestors of modern birds. Hundreds of fossils have been found since 1983, mostly in China, that show dinosaurs covered in feather-like structures. These fossils include detailed reproductions of feathers, and some show where feathers attached to the arm bones of theropod dinosaurs, such as velociraptors and T. rex.” There was another one that said things like T. rex did not need them to stay warm. I chose to believe they did. At least they were common. Imagine those raptors are a flock of chickens. Cool. “The earliest preserved scales, filaments, or feathers are from the late Jurassic; the earliest crown clade bird with feathers is from the Paleocene. Filamentous feather precursors may have originated nearly 100 million years before the origin of flight, but very few fossil deposits sample this period.” Jurassic World I guess. They were evolved for warmth. Be like a dinosaur and buy a feather coat.

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